Pigeon Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Pigeon”), based on its corporate creed “Love”, has been engaged in business focused in providing supportive products and services for all who need such indispensable products and services in their pregnancy, child birth, child rearing, and nursing care. For protection as to personal information belonged to every stakeholders toward Pigeon, from its obvious importance and social significance, we has established “Personal Information Protection Management System” that complies with “Requirements on Personal Information Protection Management System” (namely JIS Q 15001, one of the Japanese Industrial Standards). All executives and employees belonged to Pigeon shall comply with this “Personal Information Protection Management System”, as well as laws, regulations, and other statutory on Personal Information protection. We shall also sustain solid reliability on protecting personal information, through implementation of the following measures:
1By appointing such executive(s) in charge of whole the process in utilizing the personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”) belonged to our customers and employees (hereinafter referred to as “To-Be Covered”), including, but not limited to, acquisition, provision, or disclosure, of Personal Information, for proper management preventing such Personal Information from being unlawfully accessed, leaking, losing, or damaging.
2On clarifying and prefixing the purpose for usage of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as “Purpose”), and contact address for inquiry from To-Be Covered, we shall conduct appropriate collection and utilization of such Personal Information within the Purpose.
3For implementing proper management on Personal Information disclosed by To-Be Covered, beyond the Purpose we shall never utilize, and for any third party, never provide or disclose Personal Information without the consent from To-Be Covered, provided, however, the following cases shall be excluded; (1) when such the provision or disclosure of Personal Information shall be publicly required by authorities under law or statutory; (2) when such the provision or disclosure of Personal Information shall be inevitable for the sake of public welfare, namely, restoring life, health, or property of To-Be Covered or any third party; or (3) when such the provision or disclosure of Personal Information may be especially admitted for us by authorities under law or statutory.
4For preventing Personal Information from leaking or re-providing to any third party, we shall engaged ourselves in proper management on any companies including manufacturer or logistics companies, with whom we provide such Personal Information on fulfilment of the conditions described in article 3. above.
5By responding sincerely and promptly to claim or inquiry on Personal Information.
6By applying ourselves to laws, statutory, guidelines, or any other standards enforced by authorities, on Personal Information.
7By continuously revising our current Personal Information Protection Management System whenever needed.
Executive in charge of whole the process in utilizing Personal Information and contact address for any related matters on Personal Information
This “Personal Information Utilizing Guidelines” stipulates our basic ones for Personal Information to be collected and utilized by Pigeon. As a business entity utilizing Personal Information, in utilizing Personal Information (namely, information including, but not limited to, name, birth date, or all the information contained the related description enable for identifying the person such the information belong to), Pigeon has enacted our original “Personal Information Protection Policy”, simultaneously, shall comply with “The Act on the Protection of Personal Information” or any other laws and statutory, as well as our “Personal Information Utilizing Guidelines”.
Purpose of usage of Personal Information
Pigeon shall, within the following restricted scope of purpose, utilize Personal Information on specifying the purpose of usage allowably; provided, however, when it falls on any of the stipulations in the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” or any other laws and statutory, or when the consent from the person such the Personal Information belong to, is already obtained, such restriction may not be applied:
Note: Among the Personal Information, such the information related to nationality, belief or creed, lineage, medical history or other, shall be dealt as sensitive personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Sensitive Personal Information”), namely, by disclosing to any third party without reason, that person may be suffered by prejudice or discrimination. Sensitive Personal Information shall not be acquired without obtaining prior consent of that person or, as to nonage, its legal representative; notwithstanding the foregoing, obtaining prior consent of that person or, as to nonage, its legal representative shall be needed in each time, when disclosure, provision, or other acts, of Sensitive Personal Information is intended. (Based on the “The Revised Act on the Protection of Personal Information”, enforced on May 30, 2017)
In the event utilizing Personal Information (except Sensitive Personal Information) beyond the restricted scope of Purpose shall be indispensable, anew consent from that person shall be needed; provided, however, when it falls on any of the stipulations in the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” or any other laws and statutory, or when the inclusive consent from the person such the Personal Information belong to, is already obtained, such consent may not be applied.
There might be outsource in all of, or apart of, our business to third party contractors, then for their conducting such the outsourced business, also might be disclosure of Personal Information, as necessary; provided, however, we shall conduct proper supervise or management on such contractors, according to standards stipulated in laws or statutory, as well as those of ours.
Related matters on Personal Information
Pigeon Corporation
Personal Information managed by Pigeon and to-be-disclosed on certain inquiry from third party, shall be Personal Information on business related to the above-described purpose of usage, Personal Information related to recruitment, and Personal Information belonged to employees. Purpose of usage of such Personal Information shall be referred to those described in the above “Purpose of usage of Personal Information”.
In the inquiry for disclosure, there should be following procedures;
1Acceptance of inquiry for disclosure and confirmation of personal identity of inquirer.
2Notification of results against inquiry for disclosure.